Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 College Catalog & Student Handbook 
2024-2025 College Catalog & Student Handbook

Health & Safety Information

Health and Medical Services

As a nonresidential college, Central Carolina does not maintain medical or infirmary facilities.

Inclement Weather

If weather conditions cause the College to close, public announcements will be made on area radio and television stations. A message will also be placed on the College’s telephone voicemail system (803-778-1961 or 1-800-221-8711), the website (, and social media.


You are not permitted to loiter in the halls while classes are in session. If you are found loitering, you will be requested by faculty or staff members to go to the Student Center for relaxation or the library to study.

Out of consideration for your fellow classmates, please comply with this regulation. For the protection of faculty, staff, and students, loitering is not permitted on the College grounds and annex facilities. All persons who are not faculty, staff, students, or conducting college-related business will be directed to leave the campus.


Students may not park in spaces which are reserved for the handicapped or visitors. Students parking in areas marked for visitors or handicapped will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Anyone - faculty, students, or visitors - without a handicapped decal will be ticketed if the vehicle is parked in the reserved handicapped spaces.

Central Carolina is not responsible for damage or theft of a vehicle or the contents of the vehicle on college property.

Regulations for Use of Identification Card

  • This card must be carried at all times and is to be worn in the computer labs and shown for identification upon the request of any security officer, faculty member or administrator.
  • Lending this card to anyone or failure to present it when requested by authorized personnel is a violation of school regulations and subjects the holder to disciplinary action.
  • This card should be returned to the counselor who completes the withdrawal form if you withdraw from the College.
  • Loss should be reported immediately to the Security Office. Cost of a replacement card is $2.

Safety Procedures

Safety is no accident! Proper planning and a coordinated response will reduce confusion and limit injuries. Please take time to read, understand, and follow the College’s established safety procedures for responding to emergencies. The success of any plan depends on the participation of everyone.

Security Office

Central Carolina provides security services at the following locations. All emergencies should be reported to campus security, or the nearest college official.

  • Main Campus - Building M100, Room 117; 803778-6623 or ext. 223
  • Health Science Center/Legal Studies Center - Building H2000, Security Station; 803-778-6627, or ext. 227
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology Training Center - Building A1000, Security Station; 803774-3373 or ext. 373
  • Kershaw County Campus - Building K1100, Security Station; 803-425-8388, ext. 659
  • F.E. DuBose Campus - Building C1000, Security Station; 803-473-2531, ext. 623

Bomb Threat Procedures

Bomb threats are serious crimes under South Carolina Code and will be reported immediately to the police department by calling 911. College personnel will react to bomb threats according to established procedures.

The local police and fire departments have control over the scene when responding to any emergency, including a bomb threat. The College President or his/her designee in concert with the local police and fire departments will decide when college personnel and students will re-enter the building and resume work/classes.

You should be observant of anything unusual. If anything is discovered that is suspicious, contact Campus Security immediately. Do not attempt to move or open a suspicious box, book bag, or anything else for which the contents are unknown and suspicious. Individuals who receive a bomb threat should call 911 immediately from another telephone, and call Campus Security from another telephone, who in turn will notify the President and Vice Presidents.

Crime Prevention

Help prevent crimes by securing your property, valuables, and vehicle. Report any crimes, suspicious people, and unsafe activities to Campus Security. If you want to report a crime anonymously, do so at

Drugs, Alcoholic Beverages, and Weapons

Drugs, alcohol, and weapons of any kind, including firearms, are not permitted on any campus (including inside vehicles) of Central Carolina Technical College. Persons who hold a Concealed Weapons Permit are not authorized to possess a weapon on campus. Violators are subject to prosecution under state law and the Student Code of Conduct.

Emergency Notification System

The College deploys the following types of emergency notification alerts to inform faculty/staff, students, and visitors of emergencies on campus requiring immediate action:

  • Text messaging - individuals with cell phone numbers specified in the Banner database are included in the notification delivery. Individuals must opt out in order to be excluded from this service.
  • Phone calls - emergency messages can be sent to up to two phone numbers specified in the Banner database.
  • Emails - emergency messages can be sent to email addresses in the Banner database.
  • Broadcast messaging - emergency messages can be broadcast to classrooms and offices to be displayed on computer monitors and/or projected onto screens or monitors through computer projection technology.
  • Digital signage - digital signs have been installed throughout the college and can be used to display emergency messages.
  • myCCTC and public website - announcements may be made in the College’s web portal, myCCTC and/or the public website.
  • Social media - announcements may be made on the College’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.

This list does not imply that all media will be used for every notification. Every incident is unique; therefore, different communication media will be activated based on their reach, effectiveness and location. CCTC Campus Security tests emergency response and evacuation procedures on at least an annual basis during drills and other exercises.

Evacuation - Long Continuous Blast

A long continuous blast signals the need to evacuate the building. Following the information on the emergency action schematic for that location, you should walk (not run) to the nearest exit and move to the designated rally point.

Take valuables with you and exit quickly and quietly. Instructors are to make sure that no one is left inside the classroom and close the door. (A closed door will slow the movement of fire and smoke through the building and could give valuable seconds for the evacuation of those who may still be in the building.)

Instructors and students are to help anyone with a disability or in need of assistance to exit the building.

Instructors and supervisors should account for their constituents. Instructors are to move their classes to the predetermined rally area as quickly as possible and keep students together by classes until further information is given.

Central Carolina Safety Team members and security personnel are to check their areas to ensure that no one remains in the buildings and that everyone moves to the rally point.

Three short blasts of the emergency communication system indicate the “all clear” to return to the building. In case of an actual fire, you should pull the nearest fire alarm and follow the evacuation procedures as stated above. Go to the nearest telephone outside of the building and dial 911 to report the fire, and also notify Campus Security.

The local police and/or fire departments have control over the scene when responding to any emergency. The College President or designee, in concert with the local police and fire departments, will decide when college personnel and students will re-enter the buildings and resume work/classes.

Sheltering Procedures

A broken siren (several short blasts in succession) signals the need to find appropriate shelter. You should move quickly and quietly to the nearest sheltering location as depicted in the building’s emergency action schematics - in halls and classrooms, away from glass doors and windows, and on interior walls on the lowest floor of the building. Close doors and windows if time permits. Sit on the floor and cover your face with your arm or a cloth to protect against flying debris. Place a book on your head if available or get under a desk.

Instructors and supervisors should account for their constituents. Remain in the shelter location until the “all clear” is sounded, which is three short blasts. Instructors are to maintain students together until the “all clear” is sounded.

If there is a significant threat of severe weather, classes will be dismissed and/or cancelled. The decision to dismiss or cancel classes will be made by the College President or designee. The College President or designee will communicate the decision to dismiss or cancel classes internally by e-mail. The Public Information Officer will put a message on the college telephone system, website, and social media regarding delays and closures. In addition, the Public Information Officer will contact local and regional radio and television stations to communicate the decision externally.

Medical Emergency Procedures

If a medical emergency occurs in the presence of any College personnel, the faculty/staff member is to clear non-essential personnel from the area and attend to the needs of the person with the emergency. He/she is to also determine if the person requires medical attention.

If a person requires medical attention, the faculty/staff member will:

  1. Have someone stay in attendance with the sick or injured person at all times.
  2. Dial 911 and describe the problem, location, and primary entrance. (Note: The emergency system routes 911 calls directly to the emergency response center without having to dial the “9” for an outside line.)
  3. Assign someone to guide emergency medical personnel to the location of the sick or injured person.
  4. Call the Security Department and direct them to the emergency.
  5. Contact the Custodial or Maintenance Department for the cleanup and disposal of any blood or body fluids. (Custodial and Maintenance personnel have been trained in the protection from bloodborne pathogens.)
  6. Obtain and complete an Incident Report and submit it to the Security Department as soon as possible after the emergency, but within three (3) days.

If the emergency involves the injury of a student, the student should obtain a CCTC First Report of Injury/Illness form from the Human Resources or Campus Safety/Security Office as soon as possible after the emergency, and submit the completed form to the Human Resources Office. The Security Department will notify the Vice President for Business Affairs of all medical emergencies and will maintain appropriate official files regarding medical emergencies for three years.

Student Identification Card (ID)

Upon enrollment, you are required to obtain a College Identification Card from the Cashier’s Desk in Building M300R, or at the Kershaw County or F.E. DuBose Campus. A tuition payment receipt and picture ID are required for the College ID card to be issued. ID’s must be validated each semester of attendance.

Tobacco Free Campus

It is the policy of Central Carolina to prohibit the use of any tobacco product, vaping product, or e-cigarette on all college owned, operated, occupied, controlled or leased property. This includes all buildings, facilities, and grounds whether or not signs are posted. This includes, but is not limited to: buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, and other outdoor passageways, green spaces and common areas, as well as college vehicles and personal vehicles while on college property. Individuals who violate this policy are subject to fines and disciplinary action.

Use of Electronic Devices/Phones

Central Carolina Technical College’s faculty, staff, and administration support an effective learning environment by placing a limitation on the use of electronic devices such as cell phones. Students are not allowed to have their cell phones in “active” mode that will create a noise or disruption to the class, lab, or clinical environment during the instructional time under any circumstances unless a college emergency exists, and the student needs security or assistance. In addition, if a student chooses to leave the classroom, lab, or clinical environment to receive a call, the student may be counted absent unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, and/or it is later determined that a bonafide emergency existed. Emergencies generally involve serious medical situations, accidents, and incidents where a person’s presence or communication is crucial. The use of recording devices or laptop or notebook computers is at the discretion of the faculty member. Individuals who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action. You are cautioned against having family and friends call during class time since you will be called out of class only to receive emergency messages.