Jan 19, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog & Student Handbook 
2024-2025 College Catalog & Student Handbook

Online & Learning Management System Resources

Accessibility for Distance Education Courses

Central Carolina Technical College is committed to providing information in an accessible format. If you have any problems accessing the information in D2L Brightspace please email distance@cctech.edu or call (803)774-3389 or (803)774-3343.


Central Carolina Technical College has partnered with BankMobile, a financial services company to bring a more efficient, convenient and easy-to-use solution to handle financial disbursements. For more information about BankMobile, visit this link: https://bankmobiledisbursements.com/student-experience/.

Computer Technology Courses

There are course-specific software requirements for computer application courses. Information Technology courses use specific Microsoft Office products and course assessment software in projects and assignments. For keyboarding classes, you will need to use course specific software. Students should refer to the course syllabus for specific information.


It is the policy of Central Carolina Technical College to adhere to the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education’s Policy 1-3-100 regarding copyright.

Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code.) for creators of “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and published and unpublished works. It is illegal and against Central Carolina Technical College’s policy to violate U.S. copyright laws. The College may refuse to make copies if, in its judgment, the copying would violate copyright laws.

Section 107-118 of the Copyright Act contains provisions for “fair use.” A condition of “fair use” is that photocopies are not to be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research. Central Carolina has adopted the guidelines from the “Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians,” printed by the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Guidelines are available from the College Library. These guidelines apply to faculty, staff, students and other members of the College community. Copies of video recordings, sound recording, photographs, illustrations, and any other intellectual property are also subject to copyright laws. The College does not sanction, encourage, condone or consent to the use of unauthorized software.

The College’s Copyright Officer is the Head Librarian.

Distance Education

Distance education offerings at Central Carolina Technical College utilize one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor by time or distance. These technologies include the use of a learning management system and/or videoconferencing program for online, hybrid, and virtual courses. CCTC’s distance education courses provide regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor, either synchronously or asynchronously. More information about distance courses can be found on the College website at www.cctech.edu/online-learning.

D2L Brightspace

CCTC uses D2L Brightspace (D2L) as its learning management system. D2L is utilized for all courses including online, hybrid, virtual, and face-to-face. D2L allows course materials (syllabi, instructions, assessments, attendance, grades, links, etc.) to be put together in a secure course website. Students access the course information in D2L via direct login or through myCCTC. Students communicate with the instructor and the other students in the course via email and discussion boards.

Instructional Design Standards

CCTC employs college-wide Instructional Design Standards which have been adopted for all courses regardless of delivery method with a focus on course design standards (structural components in D2L), instructional and pedagogical standards and best practices, a faculty support system, and a training and faculty certification process.

Intellectual Property

It is the policy of Central Carolina Technical College to adhere to the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education’s Policy 3-0-100 regarding intellectual property.

As such, the College maintains ownership, broadcast rights, property rights, and copyrights for all materials developed within the scope of employment and/or with college resources. The College President has the authority to enter into written property ownership agreements with employees, students, or independent contractors who create original works involving copyrights, patents, or other forms of intellectual property for use or ownership by the college. The college shall not waive the institution’s copyright to works which are created within the scope of employment, enrollment in classes, or with the college’s resources. The college shall not violate the provisions of the Federal Copyright Act or any other federal law or regulation.

Library Online Resources

Are you off campus and need help finding sources for a research paper or assignment? Do you need to create a Works Cited page for a paper? Just log into myCCTC and click on the Library Tab*. You will have online access to current academic research resources. *NOTE: If myCCTC is unavailable, online library resources are also available through the library web page at http://www.cctech.edu/resources/library or http://cctech.Libguides.com. For assistance or more information, contact the library at (803)778-6647 or by email at librarystaff@cctech.edu.

myCCTC Student Portal

The secure myCCTC portal is your personal link to the College. All of the electronic resources at the College are available to you at one location and with one sign-in. MyCCTC provides you access to financial aid awards, grades, transcripts, online Library resources, course information, and other College news and events. You will also use this portal to register for courses, access New Student Orientation, and access your online and hybrid classes.

You can access the login to myCCTC from the College’s website at www.cctech.edu or directly at https://mycctc.cctech.edu.

Your computer-generated user name is created automatically by our system and cannot be changed. If you have a name change while being a student at CCTC, your displayed name can be changed for you by contacting Student Records.

The first time you log into myCCTC, you are required to create your own password, which will be used for all future log-ins. Should you need to reset your password, you may use the self-service password reset feature by clicking on the ‘Forgot Password?’ link located above the Login button. You will be prompted for your username and you will need to answer a security question before resetting your myCCTC password. The College’s User Support Services provides assistance to students in accessing and/or using myCCTC as well as other computer resources. User Support Services is located on the Main Campus in Building M100, Room 121E or can be reached by phone at (803)778-6607 or email at support@cctech.edu.

Mobile Application CCTCgo

CCTCgo is the official mobile app for Central Carolina Technical College, offering secure access to your essential Central Carolina information, including:

  • Campus Maps - An interactive map helps you get where you need to go
  • Events and News - Don’t miss out on campus activities and official information
  • Social Media - Keeps you connected to all things Central Carolina
  • Directory - Provides easy connection to any campus office, faculty, or staff member
  • Course Lookup - See what courses are available and plan your registration
  • Registration - Add or drop classes from your schedule
  • Student Schedule - View your personalized course schedule
  • Financial Aid - Check your financial aid status and available awards
  • Midterm and Final Grades - Check your posted grades right from your phone or tablet
  • Academic Transcript - Review your academic transcript anytime, anywhere

Having trouble signing in or want to provide feedback and ideas for future app releases? Contact User Support Services at support@cctech.edu or (803)778-6607. 

Distance Education Courses

The College offers a wide variety of distance education courses including hybrid, online, and virtual. These courses are accessed through myCCTC or by logging in directly to the learning management system. Hybrid courses have an online component and a required classroom component. Online courses are asynchronous and facilitated fully online. Virtual courses are synchronous and meet using video conferencing software. Distance education courses have many of the same requirements as traditional courses including writing assignments, research papers, presentations, and projects. They have the same learning outcomes as the traditional counterpart but the facilitation of the course may be adjusted for the online or virtual environment. Distance education courses may require students to utilize a webcam and microphone with proctoring software. The instructor will provide specific information regarding course expectations and online proctored testing requirements. Students are provided an opportunity to complete an online survey for each course.

Distance Education Course Attendance Requirements

Hybrid courses have both face-to-face and online attendance requirements. The hybrid course syllabus will define the specific methods used to document attendance for both the online and face-to-face components and attendance for both components will be recorded in the course’s attendance register.

Online course attendance is defined as active participation in the course and is documented by submission of assignments, completion of quizzes, participation in assigned discussions, or other activities defined by the instructor. Simply logging into the course will not be used as a measure of attendance. The online course syllabus will specifically define the active methods used to document attendance and student attendance will be recorded in the course’s attendance register.

Virtual courses are scheduled to meet on specific days and times. The instructor will teach from their location and the students can participate from anywhere they have a reliable internet connection, webcam, and headphones. Attendance is recorded based on the student’s presence in the virtual session.

A student enrolled in a distance education course who does not complete the specified attendance activities defined in the course syllabus within the drop/add period will be dropped from the course as “Never Attended.” A student who fails to maintain active participation as defined in the course syllabus will be processed in accordance with the current College attendance policy and a grade of “WA” will be recorded along with the last date of attendance. Drop/add and withdrawal dates are listed on the website and published in the current College Catalog.

Distance Education Course Prerequisite Competencies

Since online courses are Internet and computer-based, students need to have excellent computer, reading, and study skills. Students should:

  • Be able to use various computer programs such as Microsoft Word, web browser, etc.
  • Be able to save files in various file formats and attach files to e-mail messages, etc.
  • Be able to perform Internet searches; use email, chat, and discussion boards.
  • Be able to study independently, be self-disciplined, and have good study and time-management skills.

Distance Education Course Technical Assistance

User Support Services-(803)778-6607 or support@cctech.edu

Distance Education-(803)774-3343 or (803)774-3389 or distance@cctech.edu

Privacy of Students taking Distance Education Courses

The College protects the privacy of students through adherence to the rules of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Because an online environment creates a record of student activity, it is subject to FERPA privacy rights. Following the information security guidelines for the College, the vendor of the learning management system, a third-party service provider, agrees to implement and maintain appropriate safeguards to (1) insure the security and confidentiality of non-public student information, (2) protect against any anticipated threats to the security and integrity of such information, and (3) protect against unauthorized access to or use of such information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any student. In order to maintain confidentiality, students and faculty are responsible for keeping their password confidential.

Technical Information

To successfully participate in a distance education course, here are some of the technical requirements and considerations you will need:

Device: You will need to ensure that your device has the capability to access and run the online resources at Central Carolina Technical College. We will do our best to assist you with your device issues; however, it is your responsibility to resolve any issues with your device.

Webcam: Proctoring software uses a webcam to verify the student’s identity from their ID as well as see their recorded testing session and check for any testing improprieties. Webcams are also used to attend and participate in virtual courses.

Software: All students are provided with a Microsoft 365 account (Word, Excel, etc.) which can be used to complete assignments. In addition, some distance education courses have specific application software requirements. You will need to check the syllabus for your course and ensure that you have the correct software required in your course.

Internet: You will need reliable Internet service and a properly tuned web browser. A list of D2L supported browsers can be found at www.cctech.edu/online-learning/technical-requirements/.

Downloads: You will need to download several applications if these are not on your computer. One in particular is Adobe reader, which is free at www.adobe.com.

Student Complaints/Grievance

Student grievance issues in online courses are handled in accordance with the College’s Student Code of Conduct. A Grievance Form may be found online at http://www.cctech.edu/resources/forms-library. Questions regarding the Student Code of Conduct or the Grievance Procedure should be directed to the Office of Student Affairs at (803)778-7855.